This week's Parasha we see Moshe really begin to blossom as
the leader of the Jewish people. Ever since he was born, Moshe
was always set to be a leader; sources say he was tall, when he
was born he had a glowing light as a result of his spiritual
greatness, and he was raised in the house of royalty yet still
showed concern for his people. The only thing Moshe didn’t
have going for him was his speech. Why did Hashem have to
make Moshe struggle in this area? According to the Ran this is
so we know that Bnei Yisrael wasn’t taken out of Mitzrayim
because they had a perfect leader. Rather, a leader lacking the
most important leadership trait, speech. Despite this, Moshe
still manages to give the most famous speech in all of Tanach in
Sefer Devarim when he addresses the Jews before he dies as
they prepare to enter Eretz Yisrael. Regardless of everything
Hashem does for us, we still find ourselves looking for the little
things that aren’t perfect in our lives and focusing on these
minor imperfections. However, if we let go of our shortcomings
and revert our focus to the good that Hashem has to offer, not
only will we be able to find great success like Moshe Rabbeinu
but our previous imperfections will be irrelevant.