Kol Torah
A Publication of the Torah Academy of Bergen County
Kol Torah is a weekly publication of the students of TABC under the guidance of Rabbi Chaim Jachter. Each week, students and faculty members publish a selection of Divrei Torah on the Parashah or Chag. Kol Torah is distributed throughout the United States and Israel, online and in print. For more information, click here.
Kol Torah is a community wide publication that relies on generous donations from our friends and family in the community for its continuous existence.
To sponsor an issue in memory of a loved one, in honor of a joyous occasion, or for a Refu’ah Sheleimah, please contact: business@koltorah.org or click here
Rabbi Chaim Jachter publishes new contemporary Halachah articles each week. Click below to view the Kol Torah Halachah Files.