Unity Equal Redemption By David Kritchevski (‘26)


In this week’s Parashah, we learn about Shemitah, Kedushah, and Eretz Yisrael. The Torah says that if we don’t wrong each other and if we keep the Mitzvot the land will be secure.

The Second Beit HaMikdash was destroyed because of Sinat Chinam. People did not respect each other and were not polite. Rebbe Akiva’s students died because they did not respect each other. Most recently, there was constant fighting in Israel between the secular and the religious until Hamas attacked Israel on October 7.

Right now, we have never been more united as a people. Everyone in Israel is doing what they can to protect Am Yisrael and the divide between the religious and secular is dwindling. Many people who never kept Shabbat in their life are starting to become religious.  There are programs to ensure Chayalim who desire to put on Teffilin can do so, even in Gaza.

While, as a people, we are quite united, there is still some room for improvement.  This upcoming Sunday is Lag Baomer. The Lubavitcher Rebbe says that Lag B'omer is a powerful day and it is a time when all Jews should be united. During this day, we should all strive to improve our Midot Tovot and treat each other with respect. As united as we are, there is always room for improvement. May we all use Lag Baomer as a time to be united and may Hashem help us win this war, bring our hostages home, and may Mashiach come speedily in our days.

The Reversal of the Avot By Dovid Saks (‘25)

Achieving Kedushah in Galut By Eli Hochberg (‘27)