The Ultimate Parent by Rabbi Darren Blackstein
(2004/5765) At the beginning of our Parsha we are told that, with
the help of much prayer, Rivka becomes pregnant. However,
this pregnancy is not without incident. Perek 25 Pasuk 22
tells us that the children somehow “struggled” inside the
womb. Rivka then proceeds to ask, “Lama Zeh Anochi?”
“Why am I?” and to beseech Hashem. There are many ways
to see this “struggle.” Rashi, quoting Chazal, tells us that one
interpretation has Yaakov and Esav shaking as they pass
their respective callings, houses of learning and houses of
idol worship, respectively. The other Maamar Chazal quoted
by Rashi explains that Yaakov and Esav represent the
struggle between the two basic forces of the world that are at
odds even until this very day.
Rivka, sensing this battle, questions her existence.
Rashi comments that she was referring to the immense pain
of pregnancy. What purpose can there be in a person
suffering to such a degree while she is trying to complete
such a noble and holy process? She then proceeds to pray to
Hashem and actually receives an answer. Hashem tells her
of the two nations inside of her and adds that the elder will
serve the younger.
The Or HaChaim asks two questions on Rashi’s
explanation. First, it seems odd that a Tzadeket such as
Rivka would question her existence or her pregnancy based
on pain. Second, the answer provided by Hashem does not
seem to answer her question: Why the pain? Hence, the Or
HaChaim explains that Rivka thought that the pain meant that
the children would not survive. She thought the pregnancy
would not go to term. This being the case, she then asks,
“Why?” This is not the “why” of existence, but the “why”
relating to the purpose of her pregnancy. This pregnancy was
a miracle! How could Hashem perform a miracle and then
nullify it? Now Rivka’s prayer is all that much more powerful.
She is pleading with Hashem to establish this pregnancy and
not let this miracle be lost. How selfless one can be!
Most of us, if placed in her position, would be praying
for our own lives and our children’s. However, Rivka also
prayed for the survival of Hashem’s miracle, a type of Kiddush
Hashem. We all know of her tremendous dedication as a
parent from this and the rest of the Parsha. May we all be
Zoche to keep Rivka before us as a role model, and to begin
to travel on the road to Kiddush Hashem that she has paved.