Kol Torah

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The Power of Prayer by Dani Gross


The Torah reading on the first day of Rosh Hashana tells of Hashem remembering Sarah and allowing her to give birth to Yitzchak.  Bereishit 21:1 states, וה' פקד את שרה, “Hashem remembered Sarah.”  Rashi states that this incident is next to the preceding incident, the story of Avimelech, to teach that anyone who prays for someone else regarding a matter that he himself needs is answered before the one he prayed for.  This is based on the Pasuk that says, ויתפלל אברהם אל האלוקים, “Avraham prayed to Hashem,” and that Hashem remembered Sarah before He healed Avimelech.  We learn from here how important prayer can be.

Rav Yosef Grossman related this in a parable of a king and his son, the prince:

The prince and the king were arguing, and finally the king sent his son away from the palace.  However, the king felt bad for his son and sent a spy to watch his son.  After a year passed, the king relayed a message to the prince that the king would grant one wish to his son.  The son asked for a new coat.  When the spy told the king of his son’s request, the king began to cry and said, “I would have granted my son anything he asked for; he could have asked to be returned to the palace and I would have let him back!”

When we Daven on Rosh Hashana we can ask for anything, but sometimes we do not ask for the most important things.  Hopefully this year we can merit to pray for the appropriate things and aspire to lofty spiritual heights.