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The Many Aspects of Rosh Hashana by Uri Miller


    Rosh Hashana, the new year, is the day in the Jewish calendar when Hashem judges man based on his actions in the previous year, when his fate is determined for the forthcoming year.  There are also many other things that Rosh hashana commemorates that few people may know about.
    The first day of Tishrei according to Rabbi Eliezer was the day on which Hashem created Adam, thereby completing the complex creation of the world (see Rosh Hashana 01b).  Also according to Rabbi Eliezer, the Patriarchs Avraham and Yaakov were born on Rosh Hashana.  Avraham was a new beginning for mankind after its failure to realize the promise of Adam and Noach.  Yaakov was a new beginning for the Jewish people.  This is because it was with him that Jews emerged or advanced from the status of being individuals to that of a united family on the brink of nationhood.  Sarah, Rachel and Hanna were all granted "Divine-Remembrance," or were remembered by God.  Previously they had all been עקרות - unable to produce children.  Hashem granted them with the gift of children on that day.  Not only was this day a tremendous turning point in the lives of these three wonderful women, but the births of their children were great events for all Jewry, because the children were the great men Yitzchak, Yoseph, and Shmuel.
    The first of Tishrei was also the month in which Yosef was freed from prison.  Sometime over two hundred years later on the same day the enslavement of our fathers in Egypt ceased, and their redemption began.
    The very first Rosh Hashana of the world, on which Adam was created, was already eternally marked with the virtues of Judgment and Forgiveness.  We are told by the Chachamim that on that very day Adam violated the commandment Hashem had given him and was judged and then forgiven by Hashem.  At that time Hashem told him " You are a sign to your children; as you were judged before me on this day and came out forgiven, so will your children be judged before me this day and emerge forgiven."
    It is quite obvious, however, that despite what the aforementioned states with regards to always being forgiven, one must not take this notion lightly.  One must never sin while thinking that he will automatically be forgiven.  His ways are hidden and we must all be careful to obey all of Hashem's commandments so we all can be judged favorably and with kindness.  Let us all repent and pray for absolute forgiveness this Rosh Hashana.