Kol Torah

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The Infinite Light By Mitch Levine


In the opening Pesukim of Parshat Bereshit the Torah states that the earth was covered with darkness.  Hashem said, “…Yehi Ohr Vayehi Ohr.  Vayar Elokim Et Haohr Ki Tov Vayavdel elokim Bain Haohr Ubain Hachoshech “…Let there be light and there was light.  Hashem saw that light was good and he created a seperation between darkness and light” (Bereshit 1:3-4).  These statements are at first glance providing us with simple narrative facts about creation.  However, upon deeper reflection, important lessons about the greatness of Hashem and how we should conduct ourselves today become evident.

Rashi comments on this Pasuk that when Hashem saw that the light was good, He did not want light and dark to commingle, so He separated them into two distinct spheres of night and day.  Why would Hashem create darkness and light together, comment that the latter was good, and only then separate them?  Why did Hashem not create two distinct entities from the very beginning?

For man to appreciate what is good and positive around him, the contrast to what is harmful and negative becomes necessary.  In the opening Pesukim of the Torah, the concept of the duality of life is already introduced, and Rashi states clearly that light and darkness should not be interwoven in the essential construct of the world and man.

The phrase “Vayar Elokim Ki Tov is repeated several times in the first Perek of the Torah.  This is not to point out self-evident observations by Hashem, but rather to teach us to be rooted in what is good as we live in a world where the competing forces of good and evil surround us.

The Chofetz Chaim states that these verses in the beginning of the Torah serve as a tremendous inspiration in times of darkness.  In the beginning of creation the world was completely dark without even the faintest hint of light, yet one statement from Hashem “Vayehi Ohr”- is sufficient to light up the world.  On a spiritual level, when we are confronted with dark, threatening times, one can be strengthened by the knowledge that Hashem’s “light” can be instantly comforting and uplifting.