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The Honorable Thing to Do by Yair Manas


After Korach, Datan, and Aviram commenced their rebellion, “Moshe sent to call Datan and Aviram” (12:6).  Rashi comments that Moshe himself went to find them and pacify them with words of peace.  This was the same Moshe who is the great leader of Bnai Yisrael.  Even with his high office Moshe did not become detached from the people.  Rather, he himself went to find the rebels instead of waiting for the rebels to come to him.  He did not worry about losing his personal honor.  He was willing to sacrifice his honor for the sake of peace.

It is very unfortunate that some people seem to enjoy arguing and fighting amongst themselves.  These people enjoy a good fight and cannot wait to attack their fellow man.  Even if they are wrong, they are reluctant to apologize.  Their pride would not permit them to apologize.  They would say, “let the other person come to me” and the quarrel would go unresolved. 

Moshe’s attitude shows how foolish this approach is.  If the great leader of Bnai Yisrael would give up his pride in search of peace, so much more so should the average person.  Moshe’s attitude teaches us that we should strive for peace, even at the expense of our valuable pride.  We should sacrifice our pride for peace just like our leader, Moshe, does