Standing in Tefillah Together By Etiel Knoll (‘27)


This Yom Kippur is particularly important because of the events of the past year. Reflecting on the war, it is imperative to understand that this year, we are expected to push ourselves more than in previous years. The war already provided us with so many opportunities to improve ourselves. We are working together in so many different aspects and pushing ourselves to be better. But Yom Kippur is not the same. It’s an internal calling. It’s for us push ourselves towards Hashem, not just each other. In Parashat Nitzavim, the first Passuk states,  “אתם ניצבים היום כלכם” (Devarim 29:9), unnecessarily adds the word כלכם, together. Rashi asks why the fact that everyone is standing together is mentioned right after the list of curses was taught. He explains that it was because בנ״י stood together so Hashem decided not to destroy them. But what was so special about their togetherness? The Ran explains that one person who is sinful will be destroyed by Hashem. However, if they are coming before Hashem in a group, Hashem will see past their sins and look at them as a member of the group and judge the group as a whole. That is why this Yom Kippur is so important. We stand before Hashem, not alone, but together, so Hashem will glance over our personal sins, but rather, look at us as a Tzibbur. The Midrash in Devarim Rabbah explains that a Teffilah with a Tzibbur never comes back empty handed. Im Yirtzeh Hashem, we should stand together before Hashem, and our Teffilot should be answered, as the Midrash says.

The Joy of Yom Kippur By Rabbi Ben Krinsky (‘05)