Kol Torah

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Lessons for Sefirat HaOmer in Parashat BeMidbar By Reuben Kaminetzky (‘25)


The third Perek of BeMidbar begins with a list of the

children of Moshe and Aharon. A few questions could be

asked on these opening pesukim. Why does the Torah say

the mention only and) 3:1 BeMidbar (ְוֵ֛אֶּלה ּתֹו ְל֥דֹת ַא ֲה֖רֹן ּומֶֹׁשֶׁ֑שה

sons of Aharon and not the sons of Moshe Rabbeinu?

Why does the pasuk tell us that the Nevuah took place on

Har Sinai? Why does it mention again that Nadav and

Avihu died if we already knew this? Why does the word

הןֵ֤כַ ְויַ appear in the singular if it's referring to Elazar and


Rashi quoting the Gemera explains that anyone who

teaches another person Torah is as if he gave birth to him.

Since Moshe taught Aharon’s sons Torah it is as if they are

Moshe’s sons as well.

The Abarbanel adds that the Torah repeats Nadav and

Avihu dying without children to show that there were

very few Kohanim and they needed the help of the Leviim

in the Mishkan. This is why Nadav VaAvihu’s deaths are

mentioned right before the Leviim are commanded to work in the Mishkan. The Pasuk includes the location of the

Nevuah to teach us that Hashem chose the Kohanim at Har

Sinai and didn’t choose the Leviim until now to work in the

Mishkan. The Abarbanal explains further that since Elazar will

become the Kohen Gadol after his father Aharon, the word הןֵ֤כַ ְויַ

is in singular because it refers to him.

The Netziv gives a different explanation for the word הןֵ֤כַ ְויַ. The

Netziv explains that both Elazar and Etamar were fit to be the

next Kohen Gadol but both wanted to give the other the

opportunity to be Kohen Gadol and therefore the Pasuk says it

in the singular.

The common underlying message from these Mefarshim is the

importance of helping and doing good for others. Whether it's

teaching someone else Torah like Moshe Rabbeinu or helping

others in need like the Leviim or giving up important

opportunities to someone else like Elazar and Etamar, we see

the importance of helping others.

This message is important to us because we are in the middle

of counting Sefirat HaOmer and mourning the deaths of the

students of Rabi Akiva. We know that they were lacking in their

Bein Adam LeChaveiro. We should all try to follow these

examples from the Parashah and improve our Bein Adam

LeChaveiro and ultimately correct the actions of Rabi Akiva’s
