It’s the Thought That Counts by Ilan Griboff


The end of Parashat Naso discusses the Korbanot which the Nesiim brought during the inauguration of the Mishkan. One puzzling aspect of this section is the fact that the Korbanot of each Nasi are exactly the same. If the Korabnot are, in fact, all the same, why did the Torah need to repeat the items brought by each Nasi?

An answer can be found in the Peirush of Rashi to Netaneil ben Tzuar’s Korban which was brought on the second day. Rashi quotes Rav Moshe HaDarshan, who explains the symbolism behind every item that was brought by Netaneil ben Tzuar.

The Chiddushei HaRim wonders why all of these illusions are stated in regard to the second Nasi. Surely Nachson ben Aminadav, the first Nasi, also had these allusions in mind, since his Korban was exactly the same as Netanel ben Tzuar’s! However, that is precisely the reason why these allusions were stated specifically regarding Netaneil ben Tzuar’s Korban. Rav Moshe HaDarshan and Rashi are teaching us that although each Nasi brought the same Korban, each had a unique idea behind every aspect of his respective Korban. The Torah repeats the same Korban for each and every Nasi because, in reality, each one was bringing a different Korban.

Everyone was able to bring his own exclusive touch to the Chanukat HaMishkan, with each Nasi actually expressing his personal devotion to Hashem in his own way. Similarly, despite the seeming homogeneity of certain aspects of Avodat Hashem, each of us is able to bring something special to the table in his own way. For further discussion of this question see Rav Yosef Pri’el’s essay available at Bar Ilan University’s website.

Megillat Rut and Shavuot by Shmuly Reece

Singular or Plural? by Rabbi Joel Grossman