Kol Torah

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A Three Month Preparation By Eytan Goldstein (‘24)


When looked at, Sefer Shemot shifts from the story of the Patriarchs and focuses on the story of the now larger “Jewish” nation. Within the three months of the year which Sefer Shemot is read, the big pictures of this Sefer are: how we began as slaves, a long Galut, and in the end, we have Pesach, where we leave Egypt. We see all of that in the entirety of Sefer Shemot, which we read from the middle of the month of Tevet to the middle of Nissan, a span of 3 months. Why is this the case?

Aside from being in a nationwide Galut, everyone is in their own Galut, with their own personal Yeitzer HaRa and problems. To experience the same type of Ge’ulah that Bnei Yisrael had when they left Egypt, we must start fighting extra hard against our Yeitzer HaRa now to feel a similar Ge’ulah by the time Pesach comes. We say that in every generation, the people should feel like they themselves left Egypt on Pesach, but this can only be accomplished through preparation. So, with all this time allotted in the days to come, we can take small steps against our Yeitzer Hara to ensure a Ge’ulah by the time Pesach arrives. 

(The main idea for this came from the Sefer Avodah Avodat with my own twist)