A Tale of Two Episodes by Gavi Kigner ('22)


The burning question arises from two of the most famous episodes in Tanach. Avraham is completely unaware of everything. In his mind, he is ecstatic upon having welcomed three men into his home. Then, Hashem speaks to himself for the last time in the Torah: “VeHashem Amar HaMechaseh Ani MeiAvraham Asher Ani Oseh,” “And Hashem said will I hide from Avraham what I am doing?” (VaYeira 18:17). Eventually, even after Hashem’s exchange with Avraham, Sedom is destroyed. Fast forward to Akedat Yitzchak. There is a weird contrast between the two episodes: it appears that Avraham Davens on behalf of Sedom, but does not Daven on behalf of his son, his favorite son, the one he loves, Yitzchak. Why? Perhaps, the question is faulty and is based on a misconception.

As with everything, the most important place to look is the text. Avraham opens by simply asking a question “VaYomar HaAf Tispeh Tzadik Im Rasha,” “and he said will you destroy the Tzadik with the Rasha” (VaYeira 18:23). Avraham proceeds to pick numbers and asks Hashem if he would destroy that many Tzadikkim with Rashaim. At the end, Hashem just leaves after telling Avraham that he would not destroy ten Tzadikkim with Rashaim, which is weird in its own right. Nonetheless, does this really appear to be some kind of Tefillah or argument? Avraham requested information, not for Sedom not to be destroyed. One would have expected Avraham to just ask Hashem not to destroy Sedom if Avraham really wanted that. Seemingly, Avraham just wants to learn more about Hashem. So, Avraham probes Hashem to learn how far He is willing to go when destroying something. 

Fast forward to Akedat Yitzchak. The only thing Yitzchak says in the whole episode is simple and Avraham’s reply is telling: “VaYomer Yitzchak El Avraham Aviv VaYomer Avi VaYomer Heneini Beni VaYomer Heneah HaEsh VeHaEtzim VeAyeh HaSeh LeOlah VaYomer Avraham Elokim Yireh Lo HaSeh LeOlah Beni VaYelechu Shneihem Yachdav,” “and Yitzchak said to Avraham his father and he said my father and he said I am here my son and he said here is the fire and the wood and where is the sheep for the korban and Avraham said Elokim will present the sheep for the Korban and the two of them walked together as one” (VaYeira 22:7-8). Avraham does not tell Yitzchak what his real role is and seems to implicitly say that there will be a Korban that is not Yitzchak. Avraham was told otherwise, but this seems to be Avraham’s Tefilla for his son. While the two episodes are still enigmatic in their own right, it is difficult to really say that Avraham cared for Sedom more than his own son. 

The Power of Ten by Eitan Book (‘23)

50 to 10: Avraham’s Request for Hashem’s Mercy on Sedom By Shimon Ross (‘22)