Kol Torah

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A Promise and a Prophecy By Natan Solomon (’22)


At the beginning of Parashat VaYechi, the episode of Ya’akov’s death begins. In Perek 47 Pasuk 29 the Torah states, “VaYikrevu Yemei Yisrael Lamut VaYikra LeVeno LeYoseif VaYomer Lo Im Na Matzati Chein Be’Einecha Sim Na Yadecha Tachat Yereichi Ve’Asita Imadi Chesed Ve’Emet Al Na Tikbireini BeMitzrayim’”, “And when the time approached for Israel to die, he summoned his son Joseph and said to him, ‘Do me this favor, place your hand under my thigh as a pledge of your steadfast loyalty: please do not bury me in Egypt.’' Interestingly enough, Ya’akov does not call on any of the other brothers to help fulfill this promise. This Pasuk raises an obvious question: Why does Ya’akov Avinu ask only Yosef to help fulfill this promise. Furthermore, how did Ya’akov know that he was coming towards the end of his life?

According to Rashi, in those days, a person did not attain the age of his father. In this case, Ya’akov was already 147 years old, whereas his father, Yitzchak, passed away at the age of 180. In addition, Ya’akov Avinu summoned just Yosef to carry out this promise since Yosef held power in Egypt. Because Yosef was the viceroy in Egypt, Ya’akov felt it was logical to grant the great Zechut of bringing his bones to Israel through Yosef, even though he was the second youngest of the brothers.

Ramban writes that Ya’akov knew he would die because he felt severe exhaustion and increasing weakness. Even though Ya’akov was not officially ill, he still sensed the time of his death was coming. Therefore, Ya’akov knew he had to administer this Shevuah to Yosef before his time would come.

The Chizkuni adds that Ya’akov specifically called on Yosef due to the fact that Ya’akov was blessed with Ru’ach HaKodesh. Since Ya’akov Avinu was worried about assimilation in Mitzrayim, Hashem granted Ya’akov a Nevu’ah that Yosef would be present when it was Ya’akov’s time to die. In an alternate approach, the Chizkuni writes that since Ya’akov was going down to Egypt to see Yosef, it was only right that Yosef would carry out Hashem’s promise to Ya’akov that he would be buried with his forefathers.

From this episode, we learn the importance of detail. The importance of doing a Mitzvah is not just that the deed gets done, but about how it is done. Although Ya’akov could have asked any of the brothers to carry his bones back to Egypt, he wanted it to be Yosef specifically. Be'Ezrat Hashem, in these challenging times, we should all do things for our parents and friends BeSeiver Panim Yafot, with a smile, even if it is inconvenient to help them.